
Into the Wilds Battlemap Books by Tom Cartos

Created by Tom Cartos

Into the Wilds is a collection of 9 fully customisable, biome and region themed battlemap books for your favourite TTRPG. They are ideal for pre-set or random encounters, so you can be fully prepared no matter which direction your players choose to head in.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All Backer Surveys have been sent out + The Quadometer!
about 1 month ago – Mon, May 27, 2024 at 03:28:15 AM

Hi everyone!

We have now sent out all of the remaining Backer Surveys.

Please fill these out ASAP, as soon as we have enough of them completed we can start manufacturing, and we will also be able to send out download links for the Digital Bundles, and VTT modules shortly afterwards.

The backer survey allows you to confirm or change your pledge, select any additional add-ons, enter your shipping details and pay shipping. 

Please note that although you can put in your payment details already for shipping/pledge alterations, we will not start charging cards until after June 1st so your Kickstarter and Backerkit payments are spread out across 2 months.

Pledge Manager will stay open until July 31st at the earliest, and will be closed once the manufacturing is completed. We will keep you updated and give plenty of notice in case you need to make changes. If you need to make a change of address after Pledge Manager closes, you will still be able to do so closer to shipping. More information will follow about that later.

Let me know if you have any questions either in the comments or by direct message.


Projects I Love

The Quadometer by Clockwork Arcana

Clockwork Arcana make some of the most beautiful, satisfying hand-crafted TTRPG accessories I have ever seen. I own several of their products already, and when I saw this Kickstarter I had to have it.

The Quadometer is a solid metal counter designed to bring functionality and elegance to your gaming sessions. This robust counter features two large, auto-aligning dials for primary point tracking, complemented by two smaller dials that are perfect for monitoring secondary points or statuses. 

Do yourself a favour and at the very least go and watch the video on the Kickstarter page. Just listening to the sound of the Quadometer being turned is enough to make you want one. Then buy one (or more) and also check out the rest of their offerings.

'Smoke Test' Backer Surveys have been sent out!
about 1 month ago – Fri, May 24, 2024 at 07:03:47 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Late Pledges Now Open & Timeline Updates
about 2 months ago – Wed, May 15, 2024 at 05:05:52 AM

Hi Everyone!

This is a quick update to let you know that the Pre-order store is now open for late pledges, so if you missed the Kickstarter or know someone who did, you can still access the discounted Kickstarter prices for a short time. 

To access the pre-order store, either click the link above or this button at the top of our Kickstarter main feed:

Timeline Update

We will be sending out backer surveys as soon as we receive the funds from Kickstarter, this is to ensure that your Kickstarter payments are properly credited to the BackerKit Pledge Manager. 

Kickstarter usually sends funds 14 days after the campaign ends, so all being well the smoke tests (a small % of surveys sent out to ensure everything is working as intended) will go out on the 23rd/24th May, followed shortly by the rest of them. I'll post another update when the backer surveys are live. We are hoping to hit go on manufacturing in the first week of June, so we will need as many surveys completed as possible in those first couple of weeks to get accurate numbers. Reminder that we won't be charging your cards for shipping until June to help spread out the payments.

MekBorg and Steel Psalm - Final 24 hours!

Mekborg is in its final day! Make sure to check it out before it's too late

MEKBORG is a MÖRKBORG-Compatible Tabletop Roleplaying Game Featuring MEK-KNIGHTS!

MEKBORG and STEEL PSALM are two books that take the raw, old-school, d20-friendly rules of MÖRKBORG and dip them headfirst into post-apocalyptic, mechanical, MEK-KNIGHT mayhem, drawing inspiration from robot-on-robot combat, doom metal aesthetics, and more. Fight over the scraps of what little remains in an easy-to-learn campaign setting that puts aesthetics and mood before rules and crunch.

Don't Miss Out On New Projects

Our project was featured on the First Backer Newsletter, and we'd like to invite you to join its growing community of Kickstarter backers - You'll receive fresh Kickstarter projects, and amazing early bird offers, as well as awesome freebies delivered right to your inbox. Click here to subscribe.

It's Done! So what comes next?
about 2 months ago – Fri, May 10, 2024 at 03:21:36 AM

Hi Everyone!

After a full month and 1174 backers, the Into the Wilds Volume 3 Kickstarter has ended. Thank you all so much for supporting this project. We are thrilled with the outcome and hope you will be equally happy with your map books when they arrive. Now we want to make sure we can get them to you as quickly as possible!

Pledge Manager

Next we start the manufacturing stage of the process. We went into this Kickstarter with all of the artwork and product files complete, so we can immediately start manufacturing once we receive the funds from Kickstarter (usually 2-3 weeks post campaign).

In order to do this we need to finalise your orders in the Pledge Manager (via BackerKit), which will be sent out in the next week or two. These will be in the form of short surveys where you can select your chosen book/volume box/VTT module etc and also choose any additional add-ons you may wish to purchase. 

We will also take your shipping information so we can charge for shipping in the Pledge Manager. Although the surveys will be out this month, we will not charge your cards until the start of next month for shipping so you can spread out the payments a bit, as your Kickstarter pledges will be taken this month.

Ideally we would like to finalise as many pledges as possible by the start of June to have accurate numbers for manufacturing, so please keep an eye out for the email and complete it as soon as possible. 


Following the completion of manufacturing, all of the books will be loaded onto a freight ship and then spend a few weeks travelling to our local fulfilment hubs, after which they will be unloaded and placed in a queue. At this time you will receive an email from either Spiral Galaxy Games (UK/EU), QuarterMaster Logistics (US, Canada and Mexico) or VFI (Asia, Australia, New Zealand and RoW) to confirm your shipping details. Your shipment will then be sent out to you shortly after.

We have promised a delivery time of March 2025 for Physical Goods, but this is a conservative estimate with plenty of extra time to account for delays. If everything goes smoothly and we get a high % of survey responses quickly, this process could potentially be much quicker. We will keep you updated at every stage in the process so you will have a better estimate of when your package will arrive.

Digital Rewards

Digital and VTT rewards are all complete. They just need a final check, and in the case of the VTT modules verification from the relevant platforms. You will receive the Digital Bundles as soon as your survey is complete, and the VTT modules should all be ready by next month so you will have plenty to keep you busy until the physical books arrive.

Pre-order Store/Late Pledges

I have already had a few messages asking about late pledges, rest assured if you missed out on the Kickstarter you will still be able to pre-order the map books. The pre-order store will be open next week, Ill send out another update when it is live.

Once again, thank you all for your support. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns, and make sure you look out for the surveys!

Final 48 Hours, UK Games Expo & 'Worlds at a Glance' Town Creator!
about 2 months ago – Tue, May 07, 2024 at 12:02:45 PM

Final 48 Hours!

We are now into the final 48 hours of the campaign. If you need to make any changes to your pledge, choose any Add-On's (don't forget about the new XL Base Terrain Maps) or want to get that last minute upgrade now is the time! 

Don't forget to share the Kickstarter with your friends!

UK Games Expo

If you are in the UK and want to see the Battlemap Books and all the extras in person, we will be at UK Games Expo in Birmingham from May 31st to June 2nd. Come by and say 'Hi' at Booth #2-338, and get a free Tom Cartos pin!

Worlds at a Glance - Create Towns, Shops and NPCs in seconds

Worlds at a Glance is a perfect companion to our Urban themed Battlemap books! It allows you to create thousands of unique shops and locations along with all the food, items, NPCs, weapons, side quests, rumors and many other things your players might discover there.

Mix and match description elements using our "Flowread Mechanic" for over 30 different locations and have everything you need ready in seconds!

From taverns and brothels to night markets and potion shops, everything your town or village needs is instantly accessible and customizable in Worlds at a Glance.

Check out Worlds at a Glance HERE